Thursday, February 16, 2017

SRP is taking off!

Dear Diary,

Today I got my first real assignment at Camelback Pediatrics. When a pediatrician at the office needs to refer a patient to a specialist, they use what is referred to as a referral sheet. These referral sheets along with all the necessary information is then faxed to the office of the pediatric specialist. My job today was to call these offices and ensure that the faxes came through. 

If the office did receive the fax, I recorded the name of the person to whom I spoke, and whether or not the patient had scheduled a visit yet. If a visit had been scheduled, my work was complete. If a visit had yet to be scheduled, I would thank the office representative, and then call the parent of the patient and give them the proper phone number to schedule a visit for their child.

If the office did not receive the fax, this when things got interesting. Most of the time when this occurred, either the fax had not yet been processed electronically, or the fax had not gone through. In either of these cases, I wrote this information down and passed it on to the nurses. In one of my about 40 or so phone calls, the hospital had received the fax, but had no record of the patient in their system. This presented a real puzzle until the office representative found out that the hospital would not accept the patient's insurance, so they would not be caring for that child. Another twist came when I contacted the parent of a patient, only to find that they had scheduled an appointment with a different hospital than the one I had just spoken to. What a day!

Stay frosty! - Ted ;)


  1. Do they use fax machine anymore? I fought they used email or other speedier forms. Why do you think fax machine is used?

    1. In fact they do! Whereas an email may be speedier, this requires the additional step of scanning and converting the necessary medical information documents into PDf format, which must then be printed out by the receiving office. However, a fax can communicate directly with the printer of the other office, essentially cutting out the middle man! While the fax is an old technology, it remains useful in this modern age.

    2. Thank you for your Mister Nania for your speed y reply. One more thing. How big is the fax machine? Is it portable like can you take it to you to a restaurant so that you can work on the go? I think that if you could receive a paper while eating at a restraunt or on a train that this could be real useful, mister.

    3. CleverBuffoon, unfortunately I have not seen the fax machine so I cannot answer your question from personal experience. However, I believe I have found what you are looking for. Please refer to the link below.

    4. CleverBaffoon,

      I don't appreciate your first comment one amount. I happen to stroll by and see mister Nania's blog(great stuff by the way may I say) and then I saw your comment. Your smart Alec remark made me shudder. If youre so "clever" why don't you already know this stuff then?

    5. PinkPappie8,

      First of all, me too enjoy mister Nania's blog. Second of all, i think it is rude for you to think im being a "smart Alec." I was not born in the 1800's so of course i dont know what a fax machine is, duh. My comment was just to gain more information and get smarter. As my role model Aristotal said "All men by nature desire knowledge". Gotcha! For every finger you point at me 10 more point u.

    6. Wow. You had to take it there. Now you are attacking me and really making me uncomfortable. I came here for knowledge and I hope Mr. Nania posts more in the future, but I didn't come here to bicker. I came here for good medical material. Either way, a man with a strong soul rooted in Christ never let's the devil pull him in.

    7. Listen, i don't want no troubles with you. You was the one who come here and start trying to ruffle my feathers. Don't pretend you came here to get you some knowledge. But i will be the bigger men, and squash the beef.

    8. Hold ye horses Cowboy! On me grandaddy's farm, i learned meself how to raise cows on the right and proper. Don't be speakin none highfalutin words about how cattle oughta be raised. Y'all youngsters with them gizmos and gadgets speakin some mighty out of place words.

  2. Wow,who knew fact machines were still in style! How intriguing!
